Dereon (eFashion Solutions)

Comic-con Costume Nerdia

When ever i'm feeling down i remind myself that there are people like this out there-- i feel so much better now, my life rocks. Comic-con. -definition - a place where nerds go to pretend to be superhuman.
Where did all the muscle go. the flash has tennis balls in his pants, jesus.
they look deflated i've seen better Halloween costumes

The joker almost looks like Heath Ledger's joker character, almost
Is something suppose to happen

Oh look Thors gay brother

A guy with a big hat and woman in a little girls costume
yep he's a pimp no question

This kid is gonna learn the hard way that jumping on peoples
heads do not work in the real world like in Super Mario

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Marc Anthony Is a Hands On Kinda Guy

Marc Anthony
was feeling fine by the looks of things on a night out with
Jennifer Lopez in new york. Clearly he's very much the hands-on husband. It's clear that Jennifer seems very uncomfortable, kinda like an awkward moment. Her smile is lying but her eyes are telling the truth. but hey i could be wrong-- but see for yourself.

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Message For Visitors

Hi 5peek@n!t here: to all my visitors, yes that is you--i want to thank you guys for all the support i've been receiving. Please feel free to to $ubscribe, or if you just wanna leave a comment, go right ahead. I'm dying to hear from you guys, your thoughts are important to me. Now in order to leave comments all you need to have is your Aim username, now if you don't have an aim, you should--even God has one, no seriously he does, he sent me a blessing in an email and said to me, "Son DON'T DO Janice Dickinson she's been dead for the last ten years"--ok stop laughing. It's true, kinda makes sense doesn't it, yeh i know. Aah anyway thanks again i'll be lookin to hear from ya, cause if you got somethin to say you know what to do, "5peek@n!t." Later people...

Jay-Z And Beyonce' Taking a Walk In NYC

With one arm around his wife and the other down his pants, Jay-Z strolled down a NYC street with Beyonce' on Tuesday.
Beyonce and Jay-Z
B: Jay the papparazzi are watching--Jay: gotta find my 'auto-tune' B,
i know it's here somewhere.

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Ashton Kutcher: Why I Love Twitter

Actor and avid tweeter Ashton Kutcher opened up at the Fortune Brainstorm: Tech Summit about why he loves twitter, and how he keeps up with his followers.

When asked why he likes the website, Ashton responded, "One, I find it fun. I find it entertaining. Two, I think it gives you an ability to stay in tune with your audience and trends, what people are finding interesting. But also, it gives me a great platform to syndicate content on."

Kutcher also opened up on how he's been so successful tweeting and connecting with his fans. "I don't have 3 million followers because I'm a really good poster. I have them because I'm famous... Unless movie stars can leverage the platforms to keep themselves relevant, they are going to become less and less relevant... I think it's really a survival tactic."

Gun_twitterguy3 @Twitterguy2: i just shot you dude-- Twitterguy2 @Gun_twitterguy3: dude you just killed me-- Guntwitterguy3 @Twitterguy2: dude relax, you just need to learn better survival tactics on twitter from Ashton Kutcher in his book "Twitter Survival Tactics 101--Twitterguy2 @Gun_twitterguy3: thanks dude, righteous

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