Dereon (eFashion Solutions)

Balloon Dad Floats into Jail

This is the last outfit Richard Heene decided to wear before his wardrobe turns to orange.

The inmates are warming up to Heene very nicely, but an alarming number of inmate sheets have gone missing???

Heene just turned himself in to the Larimer County Detention Center -- he'll see his Rocky beanie again in about 30 days ... when he'll be eligible for a work release program.

Conan O'Brien -- I Won't Get Burned

Conan O'Brien might be considering taking that $80 mil and hitting the beach -- because yesterday in L.A., all he cared about was making sure the paps on his trail had the right kind of sun tan lotion.

Has Conan been hitting the gym??

Wizards Players to Testify in Gilbert Arenas Case

Three Washington Wizards players -- including captain Antawn Jamison -- will testify today before a grand jury in the Gilbert Arenas/Javaris Crittenton gun case, law enforcement sources say.

Gilbert Arenas, Javaris Crittendon
I don't think they ever needed a time out so bad.

Sources say Arenas has already been called in by the U.S. Attorney but he made it clear he would not testify on grounds of self-incrimination. We're also told Crittenton has lawyered up and took the same position as Arenas.