Dereon (eFashion Solutions)

How to make easy money online using totally free

step 1. first thing you must do before we start is for you to sign up at this link it's completely free no money no credit cards nickles or dimes, now here is the link ( ) copy and paste this in your browser. now sign up is very quick shouldn't no more than a minute and a half.

step 2. create about 7 twitter accounts using random names and fake email address hotmail or yahoo it doesn't matter example: twitter id is cloe12 and email could be get it
got it good. Ok now twitter accounts very fast to sign up we're talkin about 30 seconds

step 3. download a program called ( tweetdeck ) just google it and download is free, ok now
you can easily manage your 7 accounts all at the same time post a tweet simultaneously at the same time on all accounts, now talk leave a post like you normally would about your life or whatever, get people following your twitter accounts.

step 4. ok back to your cash university account that you should have signed up with early in step 1. now log in and click on send referral at the top left of page. you should then see a link starting with http:\, now notice your link as extra's now that means that link is just for you, copy that link and paste it in your post on twitter here is an example:

i made $40 today using this _____ that link should be paste where the blank is and that's it your ready to make money. using tweetdeck make's it so much easier you'll see any questions you can email me at thanks and good luck.

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