Dereon (eFashion Solutions)

Mini-Me -- Is In A Litte Tax Trouble

The Accused: Verne Troyer

The Debt: $10,869.36

The Story:
According to the State of California, Mini-Me fell behind on his taxes both in 2005 and 2008 ... putting him a total of $10,869.36 in the hole.

Earlier this year, Troyer mentioned that Mike Myers was getting started on an Austin Powers 4 -- that paycheck could sure come in handy...

Come on that's Mini-Me, to him that's a litte bit of cash, oops did i say little.
Seriously imagine me going to jail
0. they wouldn't take my finger print--but instead a body print from head to toe
1. i would have to get the prison jumpsuit that i had in austin powers
2. how far would i really have to reach if i dropped the soap
3. if they locked me in the hole i would just crawl out
4. i would crawl through the bars and escape with a balloon tied to my @ss
5. or put bread crumbs on my head and hitch a ride on a pigeon or flush myself and escape through the sewer system
6. i would probably get stabbed by an inmate with a needle and die
7. every meal would be like a feast
8. i would work out everyday-- probably i'd look like a baby pitbul when i'm done
9. i would probably be the baby that inmate 46969 always wanted
10. after escaping i would hunt down the writer of 5peek@n!t and p!ss on his face

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